Sea to Sky Orthopaedics, one of the medical industry’s leaders in nanotechnologies, desired an online display of their strategy to increase site sales, while utilizing their current customer base.

In some cases, featured snippets can result in a loss of search traffic.
To counter this, we were asked to prepare an in depth resource which mentioned all the top tire brands. This resource would have the capability to attract high organic traffic that can then be directed to the popular brand pages. While they were generating good-to-fair traffic on several brand pages, it was extremely difficult to drive traffic to their most popular tire brands because of high competition.
The information provided by the competitors was good, but lacked authority and trustworthiness. We took advantage of this loophole by adding relevant links from high-authority and high-trust domains to our client’s content. We also linked to every brand’s original company website.We started our task by searching for the right keyword which could be targeted for creating the resource that would cover the major tire brands. After filtering out various keywords, we finalized two: ‘Best tire Brands’ and ‘top tire brands’ on which a long-form content can be created. This content would mention all the major tire brands.
100% ROI
From The Client
“This hard-working team provides a consistent stream of fresh leads while equipping us with what we need to turn those into loyal customers.